The natural state of software is chaos

I think there's a tendency of software developers to think of ourselves like civil engineers building bridges, building these well designed perfect structures, like a bridge, that will stand the test of time.
Well OK, maybe it's not quite that simple. Software engineering as a discipline is in its infancy - civil engineering has thousands of years more experience on it. It's the norm of software to be continually evolving, having additional requirements etc, whereas a bridge typically is built and left alone.
Still, I think that software developers, I myself have thought this way, have this idea that 'there is a perfect code architecture for this given business problem, and it's matter of us as developer learning the right tools and techniques, and putting in the time and effort, and then we'll have nice shiny perfect bridge'.
This is has software developers pointing to 'it's our pile of techincal debt that is getting in the way' and 'if we were only using X tool, then our problems would be solved'.
I want to make the argument that software development is inherently a messy discipline, and outside of a small application like a tic-tac-toe game or a tutorial, perfect codebases simply do not exist.
There are a few reasons for this:
- A codebase was often written before better tools were available. For example a React codebase that was written before hooks were a thing will likely have repeated code in components constructor and
methods. - Code will have been written when:
- A developer was less experienced and didn't know better.
- A developer was having a bad day.
- There was a deadline rush and the developer 'stuck with what they know' rather than spending the time investigating a better technique.
^ I do need to mention that this isn't an especially persuasive argument - if a bridge was built and collapsed, the same excuses would not pass muster. So why do we make such excuses in software engineering? Perhaps it comes down to a combination of:
- Expectations of faster and cheaper development for software. Afterall one of the reasons that software is useful is that it reproducable for virtually free.
- Generally less risk-to-life for software projects. There are of course plenty of software that does involve risk-to-life, but those tend to have a a commensurate increase in testing rigitity and timelines.
- Lower expectations of quality - I think the industry as a whole accepts that software bugs will occur.
Also, perhaps I'm viewing non-software engineers through a perfect lens, perhaps there is plenty of frustrations in the non-software engineering space that I'm not privy to - what comes to mind is criticisms of car designers making the job of mechanics difficult, with difficult to reach bolts and the like.

As software engineers we attempt to put guard rails in to move our codebase to 'the perfect solution', thinks like:
- Linting rules
- Static typing
- CI pipelines running on every commit
- Unit tests
- Contracts defined with common standards like OpenAPI
- Infrastructure-as-code
- Observability and monitoring
The point I would make here is that while these tools and techniques will help us have a more usable codebase, it's not a matter of collecting the right set of tools, techniques and conventions and boom you've got yourself a perfect codebase.
You could collect the perfect set of tools, techniques and conventions, your codebase would be good for a while, but then if you left it on its own, the entropic principle would take over and your codebase would tend to chaos:
- New tools will be developed and your codebase will look outdated.
- Developers will add ignore-static-check annotations when they're in a rush.
- Developers in different parts of the codebase will have different opinions about code styles and you'll have different coding styles throughout the codebase.
- New business requirements will come in and perfect abstractions now have caveats for certain scenarios.
- A trend of five years ago will have been created an integration in your codebase, and then have been removed, with artifacts left behind.
The point is - we should just accept that our codebase is going to look messy, and stop striving to get it into a perfect shape.
This isn't to say we accept a messy and difficult codebase and working environment.
Instead, we still use the same tools, techniques and conventions, but with a shift in perspective - instead of striving for a perfect codebase, we're aiming to contain and compartmentalise the mess.
For example:
A microservices pattern using OpenAPI specs as service boundaries means that individual services can be just replaced wholesale, so long as they adhere to the spec.
Clear code ownership boundaries means that dysfunction or lack of experience in one team doesn't pollute the entire codebase.
Tests that scoped at the appropriate levels means that refactors/rewrites can be made with confidence.
Less tangibly, if an organisation has an engineering culture with technical expertise, and that knowledge is being well socialised, then when experienced developers leave that knowledge lives on.
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