Black Sheep Code

OpenAPI and contract tests with Jest


In this series I'm going to explore a contract testing solution using test alone.

The requirements are the same as I've outlined in this post, that is I want:

Some tooling I'm considering

This closed jest issue requests performance snapshots.

There are a couple of tools people have mentioned:

So I might have a look at these.

One of the problems I think that a jest based solution might have is in reporting. But perhaps this is just a matter of configuring a custom reporter that can display the result in a nicer manner.

First Pass - just a basic set up.

This commit here adds an example use case of the test runner.

(Note a large amount of generated boilerplate exists in the commit. This is the generated code that comes from the openapi-generator tooling. I could gitignore that stuff, but for ease of sharing I'm committing it so people don't perhaps struggle with setting that up)

What we've done:

  1. We set up basic jest boilerplate
  2. We used the openapi-generator to generate client code. This might be unnecessary, but hey, if it's helping us.
  3. We write our tests.

Here's an example test:

    it("Can create and retrieve a pet OK", async () => {
        const initialResult = await petsApi.findPetsRaw({});
        const initialResultBody = await initialResult.value();

        const apiResult1 = await petsApi.addPetRaw({
            pet: {
                id: 123,
                name: "Fido"

        const apiResultBody = await apiResult1.value();

        const newState = await petsApi.findPetsRaw({});
        const newStateBody = await newState.value();

To run:

  1. Start the local server running with go run main.go
  2. In a separate process run the tests with yarn test.

The tests pass! Great!

But: run the tests again. Now the tests fail! Oh no!

The problem is that the application still retains the state from the previous test run.

Second pass - let's control the server from our test runner.

For this, instead of starting our server manually in a separate terminal window, we'll start the server before each test case, and kill at the end of each test case.

The boilerplate for this is as follows, the comments explain what is happening:

let serverProcess: ChildProcess;

beforeEach(() => {
    // We can execute asynchronous code in a beforeEach and afterEach blocks of jest
    // by returning a promise see:
    // What we're doing is we'll resolve the promise when we see that the server is running
    return new Promise(res => {

        // We start our application running 
        // Note that we need to run the compiled binary! 
        // If trying to run `go run` you run into this issue:
        serverProcess = exec(`./main`, {
            cwd: `${process.cwd()}/../backend`
        // We wait for the 'Server started' message to come, and we resolve the promise then
        // 🤔 Why is it on stderr though?
        serverProcess.stderr?.on("data", (chunk) => {
            if (typeof chunk === "string" && chunk.includes("Server started")) {
        serverProcess.stdout?.on("data", (chunk) => {

// After each test, we similarly return a promise
// We send a signal to kill the process we spawn, and wait for that to close completely before resolving the promise. 
afterEach(() => {
    return new Promise((res) => {
        serverProcess.on("close", () => {

Now, run the tests twice, they pass! Hooray!

Some things I don't like

I'm happy with how the 'reset the server between test cases' functionality is working.

I'm not especially happy with the semantics of writing these tests, particularly when checking for 400/500 responses. All of these criticisms are based on the usage of the openapi-generator client code, not with this contract testing approach generally.

A couple of examples:

        const apiResult1Body = await apiResult1.value();

I don't like to retrieve the body as a separate await call - although that does line up with how HTTP requests work, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

        try {
            const apiResult2 = await petsApi.addPetRaw({
                pet: {
                    id: 321,
                    name: "Charles"
        } catch (err) {

            if (validateErr(err)) {
                const body = await err.response.json();
                // Unfortunately these are untyped
            else {
                throw err;


When checking for 400/500 responses we have to wrap a try catch, and then similarly examine the headers and await the response body. My preference would be to just not have the function throw an error on a 400/500 response, or allow this to be configurable. I can't see a configuration property that allows this.

Worse still, the response body for an error response is untyped, even though we have defined a response body in our OpenAPI spec (commit).

Do take these criticisms with a scoop of salt, they're based on a very quick set up and get going with it, it's possible that I've missed configuration options that would solve it.

Next Steps

Performance monitoring and third party API mocking/substitution.

Questions? Comments? Criticisms? Get in the comments! 👇

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